Thursday, February 11, 2010

How Can I Get An Abortion In Michigan Without My Parents Can My Friend's Mother Take Me To Get An Abortion In Michigan?

Can my friend's mother take me to get an abortion in Michigan? - how can i get an abortion in michigan without my parents

Please, please, please do not give me lessons are wrong on abortion, or how not to sneak behind my parents. I know. I'm not necessarily believe either abortion, but I'm closer to my parents at all .. My mother is a psychopath, and will be driven out of the house if you hear .. It was not my other sister .. But it is my only option if I'm pregnant, I'm sure if I am or not. The mother of my friend has to drive me into a hospital in Michigan to get an abortion. Can we do this without my parents knowing? Thank you /:


Anonymous said...

This is not your only option. If you will not regret it. Idk anything about the laws on abortion. I do not understand why so many get the PPL in situations like this. If this has happened to your sister, you might think would be more careful.

GothicLa... said...

First, see if you are pregnant. If so, I do not know if I should do that. No hospitals in your area? If your state has no laws of parental consent, then you can get in his own state without notifying his mother. I think you should look for the legality of this first edition.

Maddy's Mommy said...

Why do not you call? Just a quick question, who pays for it? You know, right on the average about $ 500? If you use the insurance of your parents, I am not sure whether it covers abortion, should sign it.

So, I have this site if under 18 must obtain parental consent. 20c ...

So no, this is not a friend of the mother, unless your mother is, as it is illegal.

Amy said...

I live in Michigan and would need his mother.

Pass a test before assuming that you are pregnant, and to please an abortion.

please on birth control and not always vulnerable to sexual intercourse when you decided to stop immediately.

AD/TA_ said...

Yes, you can claim you, your mother if she needed, not even a parent / guardian, the next time ... and use some kind of protection is therefore not necessary to worry about everything ^. ~

and yes, you give a test to see if you

Love my Daughter said...

This is not the only option .. You just go for the easiest .. But why can not you say something too poor, and you open your mind ... You know theres a lot of things, U Can Do, as you get .... With the help of another person ..

No one else can go

am♥nda due 2.22.10 said...


jUst !N cAsE :) said...

wow .. idk what to say ...

Sarah said...

reallllll intelligent.

micheal said...

Yes, but not to kill Gods Gift

notyou31... said...


Goldair said...

Let me first say that I am about the situation that there repeal of abortion laws and the work to abortion services for all accessible to everybody, regardless of financial means from a woman who is feeling.

If you have a free consultation, as your decision to resolve it (what it is to respect) to:

There are resources available - either through donations to hospitals or low (or no) interest-free loans for medical abortion. Go to a hospital is safer and more effective than trying to lead her own miscarriage. For more information on the financing of the United States:

Each state has different laws, abortion notification, parental consent - the Supreme Court ruled that the state has the Parental Notition or the right to consent, then the state must a judicial bypass option if the minor wants to have to inform their parents. A clinic for family planning and to advise and help them through the process of obtaining court approval. For more information on the state law on parental notification PDF Guttmacher monthly parental involvement in abortions Minor (Google for the end, it is April 2009): ...
If you are a minor in the United States, and seeks self-abortion, for fear of parental notification - there are organizations created to help you.
Contact local National Organization for Women chapter
Minister or the local Unitarian Church
Operation and ask Overground - a transportation service and support for the provision of shelters for women who have to travel through the states of medical abortions. When you travel to another state without parental notification law - it is necessary to obtain authorization or notification.

Braelynn said...

First find out if you are pregnant or not. You can buy a test for about $ 10 at the pharmacy. Then show off your choice (even if you believe). If you absolutely positively think abortion is the right choice, then I think that friends can offer your mother. But I warn you that this is the worst feeling in the world is known for having an abortion. They have guilt and shame. I know you do not want it here, but goes along with my film. what do you think is right. Listen to your heart, only his heart. Your baby decision.

You can call me God. said...

Honestly, this is probably not the right place for this kind of question. Most women in this section are happily pregnant and can not imagine they want an abortion if they do not probably get much help. Go to Google and type in the abortion laws in Michigan, I am pretty sure that if you are a minor your guardian, you must register. Pregnancy is not the end of the world, but honey, and you will reward the baby, what you have done.

7-4-09 baby lills here said...

I think you should, before an abortion are pregnant at the time or do not know .. as the first step ..
Seconds is a reason not stupid to have her baby because her mother is pshyco, I mean, are you really afraid, shes just another human being, and she gave him the choice of life, not that, why do not they do this.
i wouldnt give **** what my parents thought of me .. I do not know, do not go in to give my baby just for them, and I am definitely not an abortion because they are afraid of them, you get longer be managed by it the same ..
I think it must be parental concent if old forms in which the consent of their parents .. Friends of his parents.

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