Friday, January 15, 2010

What To Wear On An Ice Skating Date What Should I Wear Ice Skating?

What should I wear ice skating? - what to wear on an ice skating date

I go ice skating with some friends and I have never seen before. What should I bring? I have a heavy jacket, and I know that I am for real and jeans. What should I wear under the jacket?
Thank you for your contributions!


Anonymous said...

ice skating can be very hot, because a lot of physical activity should therefore be regarded as 3 / 4 sleeves sleven used higher fine or long, and you might want to pack a few extra plants in case they slip and fall on your but and get all wet and it looks like you've had an accident

Anonymous said...

Nobody will see what's under the jacket, who cares? If you get cold easily, bring a sweater. Please wear a T-shirt. Oh, and by the way will probably look like an idiot with a heavy jacket. That's not so cold. If a Northface or sweatshirt.

Anonymous said...

Under the jacket, you can create a nice graphic t-shirt. Just something casual would be good.

Anonymous said...

ice skating can be very hot, because a lot of physical activity should therefore be regarded as 3 / 4 sleeves sleven used higher fine or long, and you might want to pack a few extra plants in case they slip and fall on your but and get all wet and it looks like you've had an accident

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